Nattokinase Pro


Healthy circulation depends on proper blood clotting and appropriate formation of fibrin, a protein in the blood produced as a response to inflammation. Fibrin is essential to stop excess blood loss in the event of bodily trauma or injury. As the vascular system is triggered with increased inflammation, the body’s inflammatory response is activated and fibrin is produced. Excessive cross-linked fibrin circulates through the bloodstream and may stick to the walls of blood vessels.

Nattokinase Pro™ employs a specialized approach to maintaining cardiovascular health.* While there are more than twenty enzymes in the body that assist in clotting the blood, there is only one capable of digesting clots (plasmin). The Nattokinase blend in Nattokinase Pro™ includes NSK-SD®, the only form of nattokinase that does not contain vitamin K2, to support healthy circulation by breaking down fibrin and increasing antioxidant activity.* Nattokinase NSK-SD®is sourced from the fermented soy bean product natto, and has been the subject of 17 studies. Included in these scientific studies are two small clinical trials with results indicating a heightened ability to dissolve blood clots and promote healthy blood pressure.* 1,2,3

Early research of nattokinase was done by Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi, a researcher for the Japan Ministry of Education. He found that a part of the Japanese fermented soybean food known as natto exhibited strong fibrinolytic activity, meaning simply that it is effective in breaking down fibrin, a protein that is involved in clotting the blood.4 He named the enzyme responsible for this activity ‘nattokinase.’ Dr. Sumi later commented that nattokinase showed “a potency matched by no other enzyme.”

Nattokinase Pro™ contains cellulase, amylase, protease and lipase Thera-blend™ enzymes. Thera-blend is an exclusive process that combines multiple strains of enzymes that work in specific pH levels, resulting in superior performance in the body. *

1 Sumi H, Hamada H, Nakanishi K, Hiratani H. Enhancement of the fibrinolytic activity in plasma by oral administration of nattokinase. Acta Haematol 1990;84(3):139-4

2 Fujita, M., et al, Thrombolytic effect of Nattokinase on a chemically induced thrombosis model in rat. Biol Pharm Bull 1995:18(10):1387-91.

3 Ibaraki, T, Ibaraki, S. A Comprehensive Scientific Review of Nattokinase. Japan Bio Science Laboratory Co. Ltd.

4 Sumi, H. et al. “A novel fibrinolytic enzyme (nattokinase) in the vegetable cheese Natto; a typical and popular soybean food in the Japanese diet.” Experientia. 198   7 Oct 15;43(10):1110-1.

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